Please pray for me, my family, and this campaign. In addition to your prayers we will need your support through volunteering, and of course, no campaign of this level can sustain itself without financial contributions. This election should not belong to those buying their way into a Congressional Seat or political insiders. This is your election!
If you are for a Constitutional, Grass Roots, Conservative, that also knows how D.C. Politics affect our bottom line. Someone that knows about working hard, daily, to make ends meet. I am your candidate.
Please, be in prayerful consideration of how you can best support this campaign. Your campaign! Our goal is to raise $100,000 by March 03 (Qualifying Week) in order to robustly fight for you.Thanking all of you in advance!
Stay in touch with Andy: Twitter @AndyforGA14
To send contributions and questions or comments to Andy.
Mail to: Friends of Andy Gunther, Inc. PO Box 115 Bremen, GA 30110
Ad paid for by Friends of Andy Gunther, Inc. and authorized by Andy Gunther - Candidate GA House 14
Contributions or gifts to Friends of Andy Gunther, Inc. are not tax deductible as charitable donations for federal income tax purposes #LeadGA14
